Ayurveda Massage

About Ayurveda

"He whose Doshas and Agnis (metabolism and digestive power) are in balance, whose Dhatus (tissus) and Malas (excretions) are normally functionning, and whose self, mind and senses remain full of Bliss, is called a healthy person".
Sushruta Samhita, XV 38

Maharishi Ayurveda - for leading a long and happy life

Ayurveda or Ayur-Veda - literally science (veda) of life (ayus) - is the oldest, most time-tested system of natural medicine, coming from the vedic civilization of ancient India. It is widely used in India up to this day, and increasingly in the world.

In recent years, the Indian Sage Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was instrumental in reviving this knowledge and bringing it to the West. With the help of the great Vaidyas of modern India, he has restored Ayurveda in its completeness and authenticity. “Maharishi Ayur-Veda” is an assurance of quality and authenticity.

The purpose of Ayurveda is promoting health, preventing diseases and addressing imbalances with natural means.

The concept of balance is central to the ayurvedic logic: balance of mental, physical and emotional functions, and balance of the individual within the environment.

Maharishi Ayurveda - a.k.a. Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health - considers the individual in its completeness and aims at improving health through many different approaches: Ayurveda therapies and medicines (phytotherapy), Panchakarma, diet, behavioural routines, etc., used in synergy with Meditation (e.g. TM), Yoga, Sound therapy, Music therapy, Health education, Architecture, environmental technologies, etc.
Maharishi Ayurveda brings knowledge of how to live in harmony with natural law, how to create and maintain balance in all spheres of life, leading naturally to good health.

The Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centres were the first Ayurveda Centres to be established in Europe. They have a reputation for the quality and authenticity of the treatments they offer.

For a better experience with Panchakarma, we recommend going to a Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre near you, on your own continent, so as to avoid long travelling, the possible shock of contrasting climates and dietary habits, etc.