How illness arisses

How illness arisses

Ayurveda describes the six stages of the transformation of an imbalance into a disease.

  1. Accumulation of the Doshas (imbalances) in their own place: “Sanchaya”
  2. Aggravation of the imbalances: “Prakopa”
  3. Dissemination of the Doshas into the whole body: “Prasara”
  4. Localization in one part of the body and appearance of the first symptoms: “Sthana Samsraya”
  5. Full manifestation of the disease: “Vyakti”
  6. The disease becomes chronic, complications appear: “Bheda”

The sooner imbalances can be treated, the better the chances are of avoiding the onset of disease, its progression and resulting complications.

Ayurveda addresses imbalances at the early stages 1-3 by restoring balance - what is indeed worthy of the name Prevention ! - and treats the disease at stages 4-6.
Diagnosis and treatment in modern medicine is limited to the last 3 stages.