Sophie Beall


For Winter and festivities

In Ayurveda, winter is associated with Vata. Vata is naturally cold and dry. It is associated with movement. Which means that whatever is warm and settling will help balancing ourselves.



Winter, the Vata season, is the time to protect ourself from cold and wind, to eat and drink warm and choose more nourrishing food (which doesn't mean they're difficult to digest!).

It brings  dryness (skin, mucous membranes, muscles) so use more ghee (clarified butter) and oil in cooking. Massage with warm ripe oil, cooked at 100 degrees helps in nourishing the skin, the tendons and the muscles, It pacifies and nourrishes.

Vata is also influencing the nervous system: one might feel more tense in Winter!  one could balances himself by protecting the quality of his sleep, meditate or do Yoga. 

To accompany festive meals, ginger root infusion (except when gastric hypersensitivity) stimulates the digestion and the immune system! Boil a piece of fresh ginger in water for 5 to 10 minutes. Add honey if needed just before drinking. It's delicious!

If you feel heavy and “bloated” after the festivities, if you are prone to headaches, have a sticky mouth, or a white tongue, plan an Ayurvedic detox at home or in our Health Center!

For home: receive a detailed Detox plan tailored to your needs during a consultation with Sophie Beall or Monika Odermatt, Naturopath. Tel. 041 825 07 00 or

In our Health Centre: with Panchakarma, the deepest and most complete way to detoxify and help coming back to ourselves. Panchakarma